Pattern Language is a very interesting book! If you are building a house, remodeling, or laying out a new space, you need to read Pattern Language.
I don't fully agree with everything ISG posts (though I agree with a lot of it), but this article is definitely worth the time imo, esp. if you're prone to thinking critically about training and preparedness: https://www.integratedskillsgroup.c...-2-how-to-rise-above-unconscious-incompetence "...Once we've started to understand that often our efforts are dangerously narrow in focus, we can start looking at a few elements we can use to guide how we train and live. What skills provide the best base over the widest spectrum of situations? What skills require the greatest investment in time and maintenance? What skills could you develop for specific, low-probability situations? Generic, high-probability situations?
I already read The Final Frontiersman, about Heimo Korth of The Last Alaskans show. Just got the 2nd book, Braving It. Hopefully it's good also.
Not a book, but a pretty good article from a few years ago. Hells angel turned informant.
Right now Terminal List. Last month I read Incident Safety Officer and Health and Safety Officer NFA manuals for my Safety Officer Cert. I don’t recommend the last two.
The Year In Special Operations 2019-2020, hopefully the link works
Just finished this one and figured this thread needed a bump. (If all you’ve been doing during Rona is Netflix we needa have a talk...). Good read overall, definitely enjoyed it. Interviewed Billy Waugh quite a bit, which lead to some cool stories.
Very well written so far. Despite having a long list of literary cred, it's not too academic, dry, or preachy. It reads like you're walking in another man's shoes.
I finally went back and reread the last third of 1491 which I sped through the first time. Not as good as 1493, but still worth the read. Also read Shogun again for the first time in almost thirty years. Just to see if it was as good as young me thought it was. The jury is still out.
Well I had a lot of free time this weekend and it was 115° out, so kinda just hunkered down with a good book.
Didn’t know there was a book thread on here. Very cool, maybe we can revive it a bit. Just finished these three Dan Flores books in succession. They are environmental history, focusing on the American West. A wealth of information in all three. Highly recommend each, but if I had to recommend only one it would be American Serengeti. It’s less than 200 pages and packed with information on the ecological history of the megafauna of the Great Plains.
Also for fun I started reading this old classic this evening. Well familiar with the story but never actually read it. Sat by a fire with the tree lit and a cup of hot chocolate. ‘Tis the season.