Ok... this thread is hard to take all at once... But... Contoured scales... YES! YESYESYESYESYEEEESSSSSSSS!!! YES! Stainless- i have a sneaking suspicion that many of the normal (ai not us freaks here) people who ask for it dont actually want to pay for it. Im cool either way. American Esee folder- YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS As for previous comments on the choil- can it be enlarged? I mean, if we are going to have a choil like on the 3 and 4 it should be big enough to e comfortably used. I love choils, and the only people who "lose usable blade length" are the people who refuse for some reason to use the choil- but i would wager they probably dont use that section of blade much anyways. This thread has be beyond stoked!
I like the look of the scales, but I think I would like them better without the ridges. I guess they could be sanded though. Who knows, I may like the texture once I have had a chance to try them. Premium steals could be cool depending on cost and performance. I just looked at the pics again and it looks like maybe just the G10 is ribbed for pleasure. If so I wouldn't have to worry about it because I would rather have the micarta anyway.
scales get my first vote. and a PR4 with a thicker than current stock contoured micarta would be grand. p.s. -- @Flex yes, you need a 3HM -- it's THAT much more comfy in hand and the lack of guard has not been an issue for me.
We will be taking dealer orders at SHOT Show and delivery should be very soon after based on what we are hearing from Rowen.
From what I understand of the conversation so far, Rowen is still doing most of the work involved; it's just the heat treatment that's being farmed out due to the additional equipment requirements of the material.
Rowen is doing ALL the work on the S35 knives EXCEPT the heat treat as it requires a different type of oven.
It's the steel choice. There have been numerous options for aftermarket contoured scales for years. But we've never been able to get ESEE designs in a high performance steel before.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about not having to worry about the extra purchase of aftermarket scales. But Shane asked what the most exciting addition was, and for me that's definitely the steel choice.
There have been a lot of folks excited about 335V. Don't know the final cost yet but I just cannot justify it in an ugly old ESEE knife. Maybe we'll finally get Andy to buy an ESEE with this new Infi coming out
ESEE knives are beautifully utilitarian. They don't need instructions, they just work. But I've honestly never been impressed with the performance of 1095. It's like having your favorite hammer, but it needs to have the head resurfaced every day. I'd rather it just last a little longer.