Some nonstandard items Hill People Gear is making for us: -more Umlindi Backpacks in Manatee/Black -Tarahumaras in Manatee/Black -V2 Kit Bags in Manatee/Black -more V2 Kit Bags in Ripstop -V1 Kit Bags in Waxed Canvas (more of the Field Tan bags we already offer, plus a new Hunter Green color) -Tarahumaras in Waxed Canvas (more Field Tan plus some new Hunter Green packs) -The SAR Kit Bag Evan is working on with input from the RAT team -Tarahumaras in Multicam Just thought folks might be interested to know what's in the pipeline. Kevin is putting these in the production schedule now, so they're still a ways out.
Can’t wait to test that SAR chest rig. Keep us posted. I’ll go back to nursing my poison ivy, which I’ve never had till the WFR.
I have it too! Started on my left arm, but now it's showing up on my right arm and behind both knees.
The more I use HPG packs and kit bags the more I like them. Their gear is well thought out with solid designs. One of the main reasons I buy from them is it's American made. A rare thing nowadays. The Tara is hands down the most comfortable day pack ever made. Simple, comfortable and durable. Coupled with a kit bag, it's perfect for hunting, hiking, or a casual stroll thru town (minus the kit bag).
Got a couple more NC SAR folks interested in the red kit bag with radio straps. Told them to contact you directly on this. I'm going to send you and Evan an invoice for sales commissions!
I dug back through the RAT/ESEE pics on Facebook for a ways but didn't find a good pic of the Kit Bag. @Jeff Randall is wearing it in several pics, but it's always obscured. Walked past it at the WFR course multiple times and thought, "I should snap a picture of that." But then I never did. Maybe Jeff will have time to share a pic. BTW, I spoke with Kevin at HPG the other day; still no ETA or pricing for the SAR Kit Bag, but I think we can expect it in the next few months.
Thanks, Shane! There's now a product page for the SAR Kit Bag on our site. You can sign up there for an email notification when the bag becomes available. I borrowed one of Shane's images as a placeholder until we can take our product photos of the production version.
I might have to get one of these purely For the color... To many “concerned” individuals around here who are anti anything tactical looking...
The SAR Kit Bag is in stock and available here on our site: