@VolGrad -- It sounds like we have very similar life styles. Lets face it, 95% of my knife use is around my five acre yard - that is mostly lawn/field. Technically, I am likely no more than 25o feet away from a shed full of tools. But laboring over a 4 or 6 and trading a Junglas is fun as heck for some 'crack-like' reason. I swear this year I am going to juggle time and get more wilderness hours mapped in - I swear. Buying a new blade is like Field of Dreams - build it and they will come. Right now that g10 4 is speaking to me. My Junglas is laughing at me. And I really might get some use out of a 6. Lots of great help in this thread. Really appreciate it. If you want to get back into an ESEE good chance I got a Junglas for sale and then probably in a few months a 4 and maybe a 6, at which time I will be thinking about a 3 or a Junglas.
I have gone full circle with the Esee line up. I started with a 3, then went to a 4, then to a 5 and then to a 6. Now I am back to a 4. I love the grip of a 6 but the size of a 4.
Pulled the plug and have a 6 from Man of Steel inbound. Feeling good about it. At camp this week end and just got two more converts sucked in after letting them play with the 5.
@Stormstaff --You can't come barging in here like that and just say Laserstrike. @Yardman -- I love your Field of Dreams line.
I have owned them all as some others have said and always use my 6 and 3 the most. My 3 stays on my side 95% of the day when at home and I never go into the woods without my 6.
I do second this! The LS is a very capable knife, it'll do 3-4 size tasks very well and will take on things the 6 can do as well. It's blade is stiffer than the 6 because of being saber grind vs full flat(6). My two LS' have bumped my 3's from EDC rotation. It had no issues with these 3 sweet gum trees. You'll be happy with that 6 from MOS, it's one of the esee's everyone should have on hand.
The LS just did get my blood flowing. Thanks for the thought. Ill get the 6 and see how it will compare to the normal tasks I use my Junglas for...which isn't much... And then make a call on getting rid of the Junglas. Hatchet for Christmas maybe.
I have a cool Izula II with TKC scales and a custom leather sheath. I stripped it and blued it. That does sound like a good combination. Thanks for pointing that out. It would however be bad if my search is over....
I always had my eye on the LS but not much talk about it in the forum ,thanks for the input and would like to know more about it good and bad from people who have one.
No problem! A lot of folks dislike the handle design with the large choil, personally I really like choils on knives and really like how the LS' is more protected than the choils on the 3,4 & 6. Withholding the Junglas cause it's in a different class for me, the LS is my favorite model in the esee lineup as a general purpose user. I was gifted a CFK mt Shasta bushcrafter 3 recently from @Dagwood that has a very similar handle design to the LS that I'm anxious to do some fire prep with and compare to the LS and the 5. It's very much a hybrid of those two Esee's in blade shape. The LS is the most underrated in the lineup imho. Especially with TKC scales!
Laser strike is a fantastic all rounder. The only esee with two choils. My dad nicked mine because he finds it comfortable in his large mutant hands
Now that you have a -6 do yourself a favor and get a set of LMF scales or TKC scales. Better upgrade and WAY more comfortable then the stock ones.