"Don't Tread On Me" Edition Customized Kershaw M390 Knockouts at USA Made Blade

Discussion in 'Knives, Gear, Guns And Other Tools' started by Scott Whittington, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. This is our newest customized version of our exclusive M390 Kershaw Knockout. The knife has the image from the Gadsden Flag engraved on the handle and the rattle snake also engraved on the pocket clip! These are not serialized and will be done in small batches for a short period of time. In stock at:




    Thank you for looking!

    Scott (Whitty) Whittington
    tangomike3 and Jeremiah Jones like this.
  2. TravisL, IW17, Bushman5 and 1 other person like this.

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