Mont Adventure...

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Andy the Aussie, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Administrator of the Century Staff Member

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    ........OK so a short one that really wont help any of y'all in the US but they impressed me enough to write about 'em anyway.

    About 1995 or 6 I bought myself a new down sleeping bag made by Mont here in Aus. The bag was a custom order for me with some changes *I* wanted but was based on one of their production bags. It was the second coldest rating bag they made (-19C) an has served me well since back then. When I was in NZ in 2017 I noticed that my back was getting cold in places if I rolled onto my side, in fairness to the bag (and an indictment to my own stupidity) I had not given it an all over check before the trip and on examining it back then I realised that the down had thinned/shed right out roughly between my shoulder blades and down to mid back. It was basically now only the shell and liner material there now. For that trip it was fine and I got use to sleeping on my back as the rest of the bag was fine.

    I only use the down bag when I am carrying a pack in or KNOW it's going to be freaking cold where I am so it took me a little to get around to looking at what to do. As always I priced a new version of the same bag and it was over $1K for the same bag without the changes I had done to the old bag. They also have a workshop and I checked that they do repacking (they did) and decided I would eventually go that route. To work on a bag they do require them to be professionally cleaned before they will do so (can't blame them for that, you only have to imagine what the inside of @Jeff Randall 's sleeping bag would be like to understand some of the horror stories that may have seen). Fortunately there is a repair and cleaning place here in Sydney that did it for me last year. Once back and all clean like new I just didn't get around to sending it off (time poor) but got off my arse and sent it in around a month ago. They warned me they had lots on and that it may take 3 to 4 weeks for them to look at the job. Around 10 days ago they came to me with a quote to repack and ship it back and I jumped on it ($225). So today it landed back home in the post and is essentially like new. They were also kind enough to include a storage bag (as opposed to the stuff sack that you should not store a down bag in) that retails for $29 (I know this because I bought one exactly the same last week thinking it is a great idea for storing my newly rejuvenated down bag properly) with the job, never fear I have a number of sleeping bags so another will like that new home.

    All in all I could not be happier with the job they did or the way and communication with which they went about it. For the enthusiast and decal lovers they threw in a bunch of window stickers as well ( @Expat could use some of this from their business model to further his empire).

    As it is coming into summer here I probably wont get to sleep a night in it till next year now but it's nice to have it back and ready.

    I would post a pic but you have all seen a sleeping bag before.

    Cheers all.
  2. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Administrator of the Century Staff Member

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    Damn..... OK I was really hoping for a cold front to come through last night but it didn't and as such I couldn't stay in the bag for more than five minutes......sorry but with the exceptions of a Wookie's lap (Star Wars reference for the nerds) inside a good sleeping bag is the best night's sleep I ever get !!

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